As soon as it’s done, go back to your FireStick’s Home Screen.

A black box will appear, hit Install one more time.It’s better to call it Kodi to avoid any mix-up. You can name the file whatever you want.Now, do you see the +New sign? Click on that.From the ES File Explorer app, select Downloader.With ES File Explorer, you get to download a wide selection of unavailable applications. Step 2: Install Kodi on FireStick via ES Explorer

Install Kodi on FireStick via Apps2Fire.How to Install Kodi on FireStick with Apps2Fire.How to Install Kodi on FireStick with Downloader.Install Kodi on FireStick via ES Explorer.Installing ES File Explorer on FireStick.How to Install Kodi on FireStick with ES Explorer.Luckily, there’s a couple of workarounds you can follow to achieve that. But if you own a FireStick, you’ll find it a bit daunting to get the actual Kodi app on the device.

That includes streaming channels from all around the world. Kodi is a great way to enjoy a wide selection of incredible add-ons.