More methods might be listed soon, together with a method to get a selection screen at system boot up to pick "Normal Operation" and "Limited to 3GB".You can also revert the setting by above method to get your full 4GB back.At the boot tab, pick advanced options and put maximum memory to 3072.

Fullscreen mode: Limit your System Memory to 3GB by a simple change of settings and a reboot:.Arma.cfg is located in %userprofile%\Documents\Arma\Arma.cfg If you have issues adjusting the size or wish to manually set the windowed resolution, open your Arma.cfg file and manually set the values for winW and winH.The resize arrows for the window do not appear but you can still adjust the size.You can run windowed mode with the -windowed switch.If you are not comfortable installing beta patched and you prefer to wait for a regular patch released, you can try following workarounds meanwhile: This issue should be fixed in ArmA Beta Patch 1.15 Known Issues and Resolutions 64-bit Windows with 4GB RAM, black loading screen Adjust ArmA shortcut to include -maxmem=512.Install one of the latest ATI or Nvidia drivers available (Links ATI, NVIDIA and Guru3d).Install DirectX9/10 Redistributable (Links: Guru3d).Install all updates available from Windows Update.2.5 Unable to connect to any servers, or game locks up when going to multiplayer list.2.4 After a shortwhile I get weird textures and models.2.3 When shutting down the game, you get a bluescreen "Process has locked Pages".2.1 64-bit Windows with 4GB RAM, black loading screen.1 Getting ArmA to run properly on Vista.